Project Update 11/10
Posted on Nov 10th, 2016
Below is the project status as of today 11/10:
- Asphalt binder layer has been completed for Phase 2 area.
- Walkways on Bldg 13, 14, 8F completed. 13E/F walkway is being reviewed.
- Asphalt top layer will start to be put down Friday morning on roadway and parking areas of Phase 2.
- Best case would be completion by end of the day meaning it can be driven and parked on by Saturday morning.
- Worse case would be completion on Monday.
- Be advised that restriping needs to take take place afterwards and this will affect accessibility. Restriping could take place late Friday in some areas.
- Phase 3 (Downing Place) could start as early as Monday 11/14 or Tuesday.
- We will have a better estimate regarding Phase 2 completion and Phase 3 start by mid day Friday 11/11.