Project Update 11/17
Posted on Nov 17th, 2016
Below is the project status as of noon this afternoon:
- Reclaimation has been completed on Downing Place. Regrading is expected to be completed today.
- Binder course paving should start Friday and be completed by the end of the day.
- Top asphalt layer will be put down Monday weather permitting. Air and ground temperature will be the determining factor.
- The weekend parking plan for Downing Place will be communicated to residents by phone call out on Friday.
- Handrails in the front of Building 10 may now be used.
- Entrance work is taking place on Building 13.
- Lighting has been restored in the front of Buildings 13 & 14 with the exception of one walk light. It's repair requires boring under the new walkway and the work is scheduled for early next week.
- We had a catch basin line by Building 9 get clogged by reclaimed asphalt. The blocked pipe has been cleaned out.