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Posted on Aug 23rd, 2018

Seal coating is expected to resume on Tuesday 8/28 with Section C which is the front of building 7, 13 & 14. Vehicles will need to be out of that area by 7AM. Please see the map in the notice delivered to units and available here.
Unfortunately, due to weather, the contractor doing the parking space markings is several days behind the seal coating. We do not have a schedule yet for these markings. It's expected to be done in larger sections and only require a few hours to be done and then vehicles can return. As we approach Tuesday more details will be provided here, phone messages and handouts left at units.
In summary, the latest information we have as of 8/23 is the following:
  • Seal coating is to resume on Tuesday 8/28 in Section C (Bldg 7, 13 & 14).
  • On 8/29 Wednesday, seal coating will take place in Section D (Downing Place).
  • Space markings may take place late next week or early the following week. Vehicles will need to move for this but will be able to return in a short time.
  • Updates and any changes will be communicated ASAP via the website and phone call out messages.